Friday, March 28, 2025

In Times Of Difficulty

November 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Articles, Personal Musings

Tweet If you can sit quietly after difficult news, If in financial downturns you remain perfectly calm, If you can see your neighbors travel to fantastic places   without a twinge of jealousy, If you can happily eat whatever is on your plate, If you can love those around you unconditionally, And fall asleep after […]

Happy Birthday Terence D. Simien & R.I.P

July 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Articles, Personal Musings

Terence D. Simien

Tweet Today (July 27, 2011) would have been the 47th birthday of our son Terence DeWayne Simien. Although I was his step-father, I knew him for over 20 years and considered him my own son. Terence passed away on January 2nd, 2011 and I wrote the following eulogy for his funeral service. “Hello. For those […]

Keep Track of Your Successes and Celebrate!

September 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured

Tracking Your Successes

Your ability to stick with your resolutions and achieve your goals depends on celebrating the successes you have on your journey. Nobody likes to continue working on something when there are only defeats or set-backs. It’s the successes that spur us on to achieve greater heights and ultimately reach our goals.

Let’s Start a Revolution!

August 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured

Money Revolutin

“Knowledge is Power!” What a revolutionary idea! And it is particularly applicable to the area of investing. Whether you are investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or even your own home (the largest investment most people ever make), then the more you know, the more power you have and the more money you can make.

To Reach Your Goals, First De-Clutter Your Life

August 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured, Goal Setting

Cluttered Desk

If you want to reach your goals, you have to make room for those goals in your life. That seems an obvious statement doesn’t it. But what if you want to study a course that will help you to further your career? You have to take a look at your life and see how much time do you actually have available.

What Happened to My New Year’s Resolutions? – Reaching Your Goals by Taking Small Steps

July 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured, Goal Setting

New Year's Resolutions

What has happened to my New Year’s resolutions you ask yourself not long after you have made them. It’s only a matter of weeks before those grand ideas have wafted away like the morning mist not to be seen again for another year, if ever.

The Daffodil Principle

March 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured


Here is a story that one of my mentors told me when I was just starting out building my own business. I hope that you enjoy it and that it has as much of an affect on you as it did on me.

3 Straightforward Techniques To Get Your Website Top Rankings

January 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles

Tweet Technique 1: Search Engine Optimization The mistake many website owners make is not spending time on Search Engine Optimization or SEO. In order to conduct a successful SEO campaign you must identify your target market, determine what keywords or phrases your prospective patrons are likely to search, and optimize your website accordingly. To reap […]

How to Promote a New Home Business Blog

January 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured

Tweet After analyzing plenty of market research information you’ve finally determined the right niche for your home business blog. You’ve chosen your hosting company and selected a domain name. You’ve even written several blog entries in advance so that you have plenty of fresh content to post. Your intent is to blog to make money […]

12 Ways To Do Social Media Marketing With Twitter

December 31, 2009 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured

Tweet Twitter is a wildly popular microblogging service. It involves writing Tweets, which are short updates of a maximum of 140 characters that tell your followers what you are up to. Although your Tweets are technically supposed to answer the question, “What are you doing?” Twitter has moved far beyond that. Tweets are used to […]

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