Friday, March 28, 2025

Keep Track of Your Successes and Celebrate!

September 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Articles, Featured

Tracking Your SuccessesYour ability to stick with your resolutions and achieve your goals depends on celebrating the successes you have on your journey. Nobody likes to continue working on something when there are only defeats or set-backs. It’s the successes that spur us on to achieve greater heights and ultimately reach our goals.

It’s therefore very important when working towards a goal to keep track of your successes. The best way to do this is to write them down, or journal them in a file on your computer or even write about them on a blog.

There are also great project management software programs available online that allow you to keep accurate track of what’s happening on your journey towards your goals. Many of these are free if you use the basic entry level option. The program that I highly recommend and use myself is the free Simpleology Webcockpit (click here to get your own free account).

Keeping an accurate track of your successes makes you appreciate your achievements. It allows you to pat yourself on the back and to encourage yourself to achieve even more. It also provides you with a history of your activities which will allow you to reflect in future days, months, and years on the steps that you took to reach your goals. It will also give you a visual perspective on how far you have come and how much further you have to go.

Set up your journal to show the day and date and then compile a list of activities that you have completed during the day. If your goal is to lose weight, you might want to fill in the first block of your journal with your beginning weight and the point that your scale showed you had lost some weight.

That should make you feel good about yourself. To achieve further progress you might consider enlisting a personal trainer at the gym just to give yourself a bit more momentum in your exercise program. Or you could work on the next day’s menu, filling it with nutritious fruit and veggies throughout the day so that you don’t get hungry and grab for that bag of chips or cookies that will throw you off your regimen.

Reviewing at your success journal will allow you to work out the best strategy for the next day. It makes it clear in your mind what worked for you and what you need to do more of to continue your successes. Leaving your weight loss program to chance will lead you to miss reaching your goal.

You can add to this powerful exercise by visualizing your next day and how it could be absolutely perfect for you. Imagine the day as you would like it to happen. You see yourself completing your work quickly so that you have time to enjoy your day at the gym and even add a quick swim to your exercise program or maybe extend those precious minutes in the sauna.

You see yourself having time to really enjoy that healthy salad you have planned for lunch instead of having to resort to grabbing some quick fast food to fill that hole in your stomach. You see your day running smoothly and efficiently with many friendly and helpful people making it a pleasurable experience.

With such a wonderful day you will feel that you can go home happy and that you won’t need to relax with that bottle of wine that you know will pile on the pounds faster than you can exercise them off. You have had such a great day you just know that your body loves you and your scale will show the effect by dipping further.

Visualizing your ideal day will help you create it. By doing this at night just before you go to sleep your subconscious mind will have an opportunity to work on it for you and help you make it a reality. What could be more wonderful than reaching your goals?

So, keep track of your progress towards your goals and acknowledge your achievements. This will help boost your spirits and give you more energy and drive to continue to the next level. Celebrate your successes. You deserve it! And remember, all work and no play will make your inner-child rebel.

Let me know what you have found helpful in tracking your progress. Just leave a comment below and tell me how you keep track of your successes.

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